Below is a list of current Hyde Neighbourhood Watch Schemes
More to be added soon
Scheme name: GX Brabyns Neighbourhood Watch
Email address: gxbrabynsneighbourhoodwatch@gmail.com
GX Brabyns Neighbourhood Watch covers the following roads in the Gee Cross, Hyde,Tameside :
Arnold Avenue, Blackthorne Road, Brabyns Road, Highcroft, Hollins Avenue, Hudson Road, Lord Derby Road, Slateacre Road, West Park, Wych Fold, The Dingle, Gee Cross Fold.
A group of local residents whose aim is to bring the community together to create a more friendly, active and secure community who can work together and in liaison with the police, the local authority and other community groups to enhance the safety and increase the awareness and harmony of the environment in which they live. Amongst the groups objects are the following :
• To promote good citizenship
• Increase public participation in the prevention and detection of crime and anti social behaviour
• Reduce the fear of crime
• Increase community safety in partnership with recognised authorities and other relevant organisations
• To work in partnership with Tameside Metropolitan borough Council, Greater Manchester Police and any other interested parties to exchange information.
• Should anyone require any further information or wish to join GX Brabyns Neighbourhood Watch Scheme please email: gxbrabynsneighbourhoodwatch@gmail.com
Scheme name: Waverley/Grosvenor Road Neighbourhood Watch group
Email address: philchadwick81@yahoo.com
Facebook address: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1698425740467480
Scheme Name: Weavers Place Neighbourhood Watch
Email: igoris.binkis@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/466924824073132/